because every woman deserves to look & feel her best!
If you're a millennial woman who has struggled most of your life with your weight & you’ve tried strict all-or-nothing approaches, then you are in the right place.
We’ve grown up with diet culture shoved down our throats…
does this sound familiar??? ⬇️
👎🏼 low carb to low fat, keto to cabbage soup diets, to 3 day juice cleanses & 21 day resets
👎🏼 being pressured to have thin arms & thigh gaps to having voluptuous curves and tiny waists…
👎🏼 from being told we shouldn’t lift heavy so we don’t get bulky & ‘just do cardio to stay lean’
👎🏼 to swinging in the complete opposite direction & being told men and women’s workouts & training shouldn’t look any different.
not to mention all the conflicting information & advice online 🥴
Like you, I was frustrated by outdated diet culture and overwhelmed by the conflicting advice and opinions on the internet, as it only confuses people like you who want to know what steps they can take to create a healthy life.
Do you want:
✔ create a healthy lifestyle without all the crazy strict rules you see online?
✔ repair your metabolism after years of frustration so that you can 🔥 burn fat & 💪🏼 build muscle in a healthy and sustainable way?
*(without obsessing over weight loss, but instead focusing on being strong and healthy)
✔ to have food freedom & learn what it means to ‘have a healthy relationship with food’?
*(your parents likely didn’t teach you 🫣)
✔ understand how your hormones work as a woman so that you can harness the natural fluctuations of your energy & feel your absolute FREAKIN’ BEST?
*(and no we weren’t taught this in school, surprise surprise 🙄)
If so, that is
I help women
just like YOU
As you can tell, I’ve been on this journey a longgg time. Over the last 15 years, I’ve learned what works & what doesn’t, what to do and sometimes more importantly, what NOT to do. From gaining to losing weight, to having an unhealthy relationship with food, I finally had enough and decided to get educated which has fueled a 10 year (and counting) career as an Integrative Health and Nutrition Coach. I’ve worked with hundreds of women online and in person to help them build muscle, burn fat, and create a healthy lifestyle they can sustain for the rest of their lives. You can learn more about my certifications and experience under the ‘About’ section of my website.

Getting Started is SIMPLE!
Step 1:
Choose Your Adventure
Step 2:
Sign Up!
Step 3:
Get Started
how long can you keep doing this???
☑️ You’ve done Whole 30, Keto, 75 Hard and other programs to motivate you and get back on track, but once they’re over, you can’t sustain the protocols…
☑️ The ‘ALL OR NOTHING’ approach to reaching your goals has made you miserable but it’s the only thing you know that seems like a solution…
☑️ The only time you feel like you’re losing weight is when you feel hungry, so you purposely eat less like skipping breakfast, which backfires as you swing through Chick-Fil-A or grab a burrito from your local Mexican drive-thru
☑️ The idea of even trying to lose weight feels overwhelming and frustrating because in the past you’ve tried to ‘eat less and move more’ only to lose weight then gain it back…
☑️ Living off snacks like crackers, string cheese, yogurt, and egg white bites from Starbucks has become your M.O. but when you finally get home from a long day, you’d prefer to just grab some take out vs. prepare dinner at home…
☑️ After trying numerous workouts from YouTube, Pinterest, apps created by influencers and navigating group fitness classes at the gym, you haven't noticed much of change. Sure you’re burning calories but your body doesn’t look any different…
☑️ You’re totally lost on how many proteins, fats and carbs you should eat per day based on your daily activity and how that would change based on your goals and workouts…
☑️ You’re so busy between work, family obligations, and other priorities that you typically forget to eat one or more meals per day…
Instead of THAT…
💭 Imagine this ⬇️
for a moment…
It’s 13 weeks from now.
You’re in your closet getting ready to go out to dinner with your husband…
You reach for the same black leggings out of habit…
but you’re feeling good about the muscle definition you’re seeing, & you swear your waist feels smaller, you think to yourself…
“why not try on those jeans I’ve been hanging onto?”
& even though you’re close to starting your period soon, your pants easily slide up your hips and don’t squish your stomach like they once did.
Elated, you reach for a jacket that once squeezed your arms, and you try on that too.
You think back to the last 13 weeks and how at times, you thought, ‘will this even work?’ because you were so use to eating low calorie and giving up your favorite foods in the past…
yet here you are.
Trying on clothes that didn’t fit and rocking them on date night.
& the best part?
You didn’t have to workout 5 days a week, go super low calorie, or ditch dessert.
This time, you did things different.
Curious if your metabolism is slow, moderate or optimized to reach your goals?
Answer the 7 questions in this quiz & uncover key insights about your metabolic health and receive personalized recommendations to maximize your body's calorie-burning potential.
Plus you’ll get exclusive access to my clients favorite workshop, “What is Your Metabolism & How Does it Work?”